Base presents BASEBAYC
Early adopters are whitelisted to mint



Introducing "BASEBAYC" - A Vibrant NFT Experience

BASEBAYC is a groundbreaking NFT project provided for Base early adopters, while incorporating elements of exclusivity and community participation. BBAYC Collectibles is a collection of 777 unique, handcrafted digital characters known as "BASEBAYC." Each BASEBAYC is intricately designed with Base-themed attributes, ranging from citrus fruits, sunsets, and other vibrant elements, all bursting with the energy of #0468FF.


423 / 777


join one of the nicest Base nft collection!

Community Engagement

As a member of BASEBAYC, you become part of an active and engaged community. Regular events, competitions, and collaborations will provide opportunities for members to connect, trade, and showcase their ZestyZillas, fostering a vibrant and supportive ecosystem.

Your Twitter affiliate badge is provisioned as part of your affiliation with 0468FF and may be revoked at our discretion, or subject to the Terms of Service. Ownership of an 0468FF NFT does not guarantee service in perpetuity. 0468FF reserves the right to terminate or update the terms of our membership services at any time, without express notice. Continued service may be contingent on a recurring fee structure, subject to further clarification by 0468FF LLC. Under no circumstances does 0468FF provide refunds or compensation for minted tokens or otherwise.

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All rights reserved.